Playing the
Lisbon Portuguese Guitarra by Ronald Louis Fernandez
Section 17b. Estudo de Guitarra
(1796) by Antonio Da Silva Leite
Front page of Estudo de Guitarra written by Antonio
Da Silva Leite in 1796 published in Porto.
There are other online editions of this book across the
world wide web.
What is now
generally known as the "English" Guittar (guitarra
inglesa in Portuguese), was imported into
Portugal in the mid to early 18th century. At that
time there was a mercantile class of English
people (aka the bourgoisie) associated
with various industries, in particular the wine
trade. It appears that these people imported their
version of the 16th century European cittern which
had been modified over time in Britain.
Whether the 19th century
Portuguese guitarra was mainly derived
from the 18th century English Guittar
or whether it was a essentially a
continuation of the cittern tradition
which existed in Iberia since the
Middle Ages has been the subject of
debate among Portuguese scholars. It
is a matter of national honor for some
that the Portuguese guitarra was "home
grown"--that it evolved on their own
There is a very nice clear discussion
of this debate in the Master's Thesis
of Nuno Cristo from York University,
see especially pages 21-27:
Nevertheless, rather than getting
bogged down with this "Origin of the
Guitarra Debate", I wish to focus on the
book itself. What is the significance of
Estudo de Guitarra by Antonio da Silva Leite
for students of the Portuguese Guitarra?
It is probably useful for all of this discussion to
understand that the "English" Guittar (commonly spelled
with 2 t's) is simply the 18th century version of the
European Cittern which evolved since Medieval times on
the British Isles. Most European countries had
their own version of citterns which are simply a pear
shaped, fretted instrument, with double or triple wire
There is a recurrent opinion that
Estudo de Guitarra is the first method book for the
Portuguese Guitarra. In contrast there are others
(such as my friend Luis Penedo, past president of the
Academy da Guitarra Portugesa e do Fado) who claimed
that this is really a method book for the "English"
Guittar (spelled with 2 T's) written in Portuguese. This
confusion of the of the connection between the English
Guittar and Portuguese Guitarra extends to the National
Library in Lisboa which classifies Estudo de Guitarra
under Guitarra Portuguesa.
While the title of the book says "Guitarra" in Portuguese, the
author makes it clear that he is speaking about the instrument
which comes from Great Britain (1796: 25). He does not confuse
the "guitarra" from Great Britain with any instrument from
Portugal. He notes that there are makers of the "guitarra" in
18th century Porto but he says that the best ones come from
Great Britain. It is noteworthy that Senhor Leite
mentions the cithara (that is, the cittern or citara) as
a distinct instrument from the "guitarra".
My view is that this book had some effect on 19th century
Portuguese guitarists but that it was essentially an English
Guittar method for an educated person, some one capable of
reading music. I should note here that, in contrast, 19th
century Portuguese guitarra methods often emphasized learning
the guitarra without a teacher or without reading musical
notation. Often such methods (e.g., by A.F. Maia and Reynaldo
Varella) went to great lengths to avoid music notation by
creating unique numerical notations systems.
The tuning shown in this method book is what became
known in Portugal for a century as the natural
tuning. It is a system for tuning based on the tonic,
major 3rd and 5th of the scale. In the key of C
the tuning from 6th to 1st course would be C E G C E G.
In the key of G, it would be G B D G B D.
We know that this natural
tuning was used by 19th century
Portuguese guitarists. I have seen it
mentioned in methods by, A.F.Maia & D.L.
Vieira in 1875, João Maia Dos Anjos
(1877) and Ambrosio Fernandes Maia (1877).
We see it mentioned into the 1920s in João
Vitória's and Reynaldo Varella's method
books. It is to be noted that it was used
alongside other tunings such as the
"Afinação para Fado". Eventually, the
modern Fado tuning won out. By 1929 we see
the standard Fado tuning with D (Re) for the
lowest note being used in the books by
Manoel Gomes and Salgado do Carmo.
From what I can find out, the natural
tuning from England was quite different from that of the
citaras (Renaissance Cittern) or citolas (Medieval
cittern which existed in Iberia (or other European
countries). In his book A Guitarra Portuguesa,
Pedro Caldeira Cabral explains (page 56) that 4-course Renaissance citterns
were tuned in at least 3 different ways: A G
D E or C D G A or A G C D. Obviously, none
of these system are like the English natural
system. Interestingly, the note
relationships of the last system (A G C
D) are somewhat similar to modern fado
tuning. To be specific, the relationships
between D, C and G are the same as 1st, 2nd
and 3rd strings in modern Fado tuning.
Nevertheless, the point here is that the
English Guittar tuning is quite distinct
from old cittern tunings and also from later
Fado tunings. It is, essentially, foreign to
the musical culture of Portugal.
2. The selection of music in this
work is "foreign" music, it is bourgeois
music which was played in the capitals of
Europe. There is nothing Portuguese about
it. There is none of the music of the
Portuguese masses. At the time the book was
published, the modinhas and lundums were
popular, none of these appear in the book.
Instead there are minuetes, marchas, gavota,
retirada (a military piece) contradanças (a
British country dance), a Fanfarre (a
trumpet piece), and a Hungarian March--all
foreign musics. These are imported
3. The bottom line is that this
book will not instruct one in
learning the 19th century
Portuguese guitar. It does not
teach the music (fados and
guitarradas), it does not teach
any of the other tunings, it
does not teach the right hand
techniques (the dedilho also
known as vaivem) where the index
finger is used back and forth
across the string like a pick
(plectrum). It is perhaps
interesting historically and so
it is nice to know about this
book but it will not take you to
where you want to go. It will
not teach you how to play the
guitarra portuguesa or fado.
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